NEW PRESTON CONNECTICUT – Driving back from a real estate closing I stopped at the cemetery an New Preston. The Civil War had profound impact on these small New England towns and villages – many have memorials to the war dead. Taken with my Alpa TC, a 36mm Scheider APO and 60 meg Hasselblad back.
New Preston
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – I spent most of the day in the office. Fortunately in the late afternoon there was a moment when the light was wonderful, so I caught this image looking south from 919 Third Avenue with my Leica M9 and 35mm Summilux II lens. It’s two frames stitched.
South from 919 Third Avenue
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Had lunch with an old friend at Savoy on Prince Street. Here’s a link: Savoy. We had heard that Savoy has a fabulous burger, which turned out to be true. The patty was perfect aged, grass fed beef, not overworked; the brioche bun was just right; it was cooked to perfection. After lunch I spent an hour in Washington Square exploring some of the same themes that I explored in Ecuador.
Washington Square
WASHINGTON, D.C. – In Washington for a food policy conference.  I spent the morning exploring the Lincoln Memorial end of the Mall, including an emotional hour at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.  Captured in infrared.