NEW YORK, NEW YORK – A boring day from a photographic standpoint. I was busy at the office and outside the light was dull. On the way home I shopped for groceries for a lunch on Saturday. Here is an image of the packed refrigerator. No one said that a photo every day would be easy.
WARREN CONNECTICUT – Up early for a lovely sunrise. We’ve controlled the underbrush in a wooded area to create a park-like setting. The over-the-top colors are . . . well . . . what it looked like. Image taken with a Leica M9 and 24mm Summilux – three images stitched.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – A rough day for photography. I spent a very long day at my desk. In the world of daily photographs 365 brilliant images a year might be too much to ask for. Here’s the best I could do.
WARREN, CONNECTICUT – Another gray, rainy day. But at the end of the day something amazing happened. Just as the sun set it briefly broke through the clouds. It was as if the landscape had been bathed in a red spotlight – one of those “It’s remarkable to be alive” moments.