Family and friends Portrait

Saturday April 13, 2019

BRONX NEW YORK – We visited the Bronx Zoo today with a good part of the family in tow. Taken with my Sony A9.

Day 3467 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Father and Son

On this date nine years ago (day 181 of one photo every day): Brooklyn Navy Yard.

Navy Yard

Family and friends Landscape Monuments Portrait Urban

Tuesday March 26, 2019

MANHATTAN – What a day. I visited Oliver at home, did some head shots for Maria at her office and walked all over Manhattan getting from here to there. Very nice early Spring light. Given the headshot assignment I was carrying a lot of gear, which I hate, but it clearly pays to have the right tools.

Day 3449 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Chrysler Building
Manhattan Abstract
Stainless Steel
Lexington Avenue

On this date eight years ago (day 527 of one photograph every day): big tree shadow.


Landscape Portrait

Thursday January 10, 2019

ANTIGUA – Still here shooting with my Leica M10-P.

Day 3374 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Beach at night
Great smile

On this date eight years ago (day 452 of one photo every day): 125th Street.

125th Street


Monday January 7, 2019

ANTIGUA – Maria is happiest in sunny places on the ocean. Taken with my Leica M10-P.

Day 3371 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


On this date eight years ago (day 449 of one photo every day): 1185 Park Avenue.

1185 Park Avenue in snow storm
1185 Park Avenue in snow storm


Saturday October 6, 2018

WASHINGTON CONNECTICUT – We visited a fall celebration put together by some friends today, munching on tacos and sipping a very good locally produced wine (really). Here’s a portrait. Shot with my Leica M10-P and 50mm Luxocron lens.

Day 3278 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


On this date seven years ago (day 721 of one photo every day): Central Park Reservoir.

Central Park Reservoir

Family and friends Portrait

Saturday September 22, 2018

WARREN CONNECTICUT – I caught some hay bales at sunrise, and spent an hour doing headshots for a friend’s website. All shot with my Leica M10-P.

Day 3264 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Hay bales Warren CT
Judy, Warren CT

On this date seven years ago (day 707 of one photo every day): Shanghai

Shanghai 2011


Saturday September 8, 2018

KENT CONNECTICUT – I went to the opening of a friend’s show at a gallery here and shot with my manual focus Leica M10, taking a chance by not bringing my Sony with its eye focus. Overall not bad.

Day 3250 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


On this date six years ago (day 1059 of one photo every day): Another portrait. I re-edited my September 8, 2012 images.


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