NEW YORK NEW YORK – More holiday parties with my Leica Monochrom and Noctilux lens.
On this day last year: Bloomingdales.
NEW YORK NEW YORK – More holiday parties with my Leica Monochrom and Noctilux lens.
On this day last year: Bloomingdales.
NEW YORK NEW YORK – Multiple shots of Baby V with my iPhone. Plus out my window on a truly crappy day with my Leica Monochrom.
On this day last year: Grumpy Santa.
NEW YORK NEW YORK – Holiday parties. Shot with my Leica Monochrom and f.95 Nocticron lens.
On this day one year ago: In memory of Newton.
NEW YORK NEW YORK – We gave a dinner party for a young couple who we and our children are close to. The guests of honor called in sick at the last minute so we soldiered on with a family only party, sort of a Sunday family dinner, time shifted to today. I cooked a recipe that been running around the web for some time called the world’s best lasagna It’s good but I substituted my own frozen tomato sauce put up this summer out of the excesses of our garden, and of course made my own lasagna sheets. Baby V was in attendance at the dinner. Here she is:
NEW YORK NEW YORK – I had a case of shutterrhea today.
On this day last year: Broadway.
NEW YORK NEW YORK – Most Sunday evenings we have a “family dinner” with our children, and now grandchild. We generally try to cook but sometimes resort to takeout. This presented an opportunity to catch up with my imagery of Victoria Campbell, now six weeks old, and known to me now on these pages as “Baby V”. Taken with my Leica Monochrom and Luxochron lens.
On this day last year: Gate.
WARREN CONNECTICUT – More of Baby V. Shot with my Leica S2 and a speedlight.
On this day last year: Won’t these people ever leave Mustique? Selfie with the Monocrhom and Nocti.