
Saturday November 23, 2013

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Laura, Alexander and Baby V joined us here for the weekend so you’re getting . . . a gallery of baby pictures. The first is with my Leica S2 medium format camera and 120 macro lens. Focus with the lens hunts like the devil in an application like this. It’s frustrating. I’m tempted to chuck the whole thing and buy a Nikon. The rest are with my Leica Monochrom and f.95 Noctilux lens. Remember that I have a love hate relationship with this lens.
Infanta Victoria
Infanta Victoria


Maria reads
Maria reads
Fussy moment
Fussy moment

On this day last year: Still on Mustique. Also taken with my Monochrom and Noctilux.


Family and friends Landscape Portrait

Sunday November 10, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK and HUTCHINSON RIVER PARKWAY – I shot out the window while driving earlier today at the worlds ugliest cell tower, which is located at the pit stop on the Hutch. Then back home with Laura, Alexander and baby Victoria. I freshened up my collection of images of our granddaughter with my Leica S2 medium format camera.
Pit stop
Pit stop

On this day last year: Hay.

Luke Tanner's Hay
Luke Tanner’s Hay


Monday October 28, 2013

tNEW YORK NEW YORK – A day of experiments. There’s a scanner app for the iPhone called Turbo Scan. It’s a document scanner that I use to scan documents (often after I’ve annotated them) and send them to people. Very high contrast. So using it as a camera is like photographing with a copying machine. Sometimes it works and sometimes it’s weird. Here’s a selfie done with Turbo Scan.

I’m putting a second image up today. I walked around all day with my Leica M with my f.95 Noctilux attached. For those of you who don’t know about it the Nocti is a very, very fast 50mm Leica lens. I had a 3-stop neutral density filter on it so I could shoot at f.95 in daylight. The Nocti is very large and heavy. It’s the devil to focus at f.95; I’m using it on the M with an an attachment that lets me focus through the lens. Just seeing if this combination works. It was just ok. The look of this lens, which I’ve always had an ambiguous relationship with, isn’t really me. As you will see below it is quite distinctive, rendering from the 1950s. For now I’m going to stick to Luxochron (the Leica 50mm Summichron Asph.) as my main normal lens. Of course I’ll continue to hold the Nocti as an investment (one of the best that I’ve ever made). The second image below is with the Nocti.

The Nocti steps out
The Nocti steps out

On this day last year: Bride of Franenstein lighting.

Poor light
Poor light

Landscape Portrait

Sunday October 27, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Baby Victoria Campbell enjoying a leisure moment. This is my screen saver on every digital device that I own. Feel free to use it as your screen saver. Taken with my Leica S2 medium format camera and 70mm lens (normal focal length on this camera).

On this day last year: Birding.


Events and holidays Family and friends Landscape Portrait

Saturday October 26, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK = Another weekend not in Connecticut. This was for a good reason though: Andrew Solomon’s birthday party. Many interesting images with my Sony RX100 II – here’s one of the best:
Andrew's Birthday Party
Andrew’s Birthday Party

On this day one year ago: Peter Cooper.

Cooper Union
Cooper Union

Family and friends Landscape Portrait

Thursday October 24, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – More of baby Victoria Campbell with my Leica S2 medium format camera.
More of Victoria
More of Victoria

Instruction manual.


On this day one year ago: big rat.

Big Rat
Big Rat

Family and friends Landscape Portrait

Wednesday October 23, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I’ve mentioned that Laura and Alexander are living with us while their kitchen is being finished, right. And that her due date is Friday and we’re timing contractions and going back and forth to the hospital. I started to give up hope on seeing a baby today so I went out on the street with my medium format Leica S2 and caught a dog’s eye view picture that I had noticed earlier while walking Basil. But mid-day Laura went into the delivery room in a definitive fashion, and . . . Welcome to the world, Victoria! Here’s our first grandchild, about 30 minutes old in these pictures, taken with my Leica S2, 70mm lens and a speed light.
Welcome Victoria
Welcome Victoria
Hello Victoria
Hello Victoria
Basil eye view
Basil eye view

On this day last year: Partners.


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