
Monday April 22, 2013

PALM BEACH FLORIDA – We drove down to Palm Beach for dinner with some old friends. Our hostess, who is pictured below in front of a cabinet of trophies (one of several), as a serious competitive ballroom dancer. Image taken with my Leica Monochro and 50mm Noctilux lens.

On this day one year ago: Meh . . . .

Pebbles, leaves and trees
Pebbles, leaves and trees


Friday March 1, 2013

GASPARILLA ISLAND, FLORIDA – We visited this island paradise, Nantucket with palm trees, a year ago and kind of liked it. So we’re back. But this time the weather was uncooperative. Mostly cold and dreary with fleeting sunlight. But we’re with good friends so it’s a terrific weekend in any event. Here’s a picture of Tom Barry at dinner, taken with my Leica Monochrom and 50mm f.95 Noctilux lens. I’ve gained a lot more confidence in this lens since I’ve gotten glasses that correct for my astigmatism.

On this day last year: Sadie Hawkins Day.

Lever House
Lever House

Family and friends Portrait

Tuesday February 26, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK = Remember my periodic poker game? It was tonight. Here are some images of friends at the game taken with my Leica Monochrom and f.95 Leica Noctilux.

On this day one year ago: Tanner’s Farm.

Tanner's Farm


Thursday February 21, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – We had dinner with some friends at Pizza Fresca, a local pizza joint in the ’20s with a truly remarkable wine list. Snapshot with my Leica Monochrom and 50mm f.95 Noctilux lens.
Pizza Fresca
Pizza Fresca

On this day last year: Beach club.

Gasparilla Inn Beach Club
Gasparilla Inn Beach Club


Tuesday February 5, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – We had a party this evening in honor of a visiting German friend. I shot it with my Leica Monochrom and a 1837 Carl Zeiss Jena 8.5cm Sonnar lens. The Sonnar was designed for a pre-war Contax rangefinder camera, not for a Leica, so it took two adapters (one of them is quite complex) to fit it on a modern camera. It’s the classic small camera portrait lens of its era and has lovely rendering, but focus is flakey so I adjusted it so that focus was accurate at its close focus distance and focused by moving my body. I bought it in anticipation of the Leica M, which permits through-the-lens focusing without relying on the rangefinder, which doesn’t couple accurately with this lens. Here are some samples:
Friends 2
Friends 2
Friends 3
Friends 3

On this day last year: Superbowl.



Thursday January 31, 2013

MUSTIQUE ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES – We’re packing up today to return to the freezing Northeastern US. A snapshot of John Novogrod taken with my Leica Monochrom and a 21mm Super Elmar lens.

On this day last year: the Majestic.

The Majestic
The Majestic


Tuesday January 29, 2013

MUSTIQUE ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES – Our friend Basil Charles (owner of Basil’s Bar) had a picnic on the beach for us. Here’s Basil taken with my Leica S medium format camera.
Basil Charles OBE
Basil Charles OBE

On this day last year: R T Facts, a place near us in Connecticut that specializes in Architectural artifacts.

RT Facts
RT Facts

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