Family and friends Portrait

Thursday August 30 2018

WARREN CONNECTICUT – We had a little reception here today for baby Oliver. Shot with my Sony A7riii which works terrifically in this sort of context.

Day 3241 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


On this date seven years ago (day 684 of one photo every day): Hell’s Kitchen, Manhattan

Manhattan – Hell’s Kitchen

Aerial Portrait

Wednesday August 29, 2018

WARREN CONNECTICUT – A still slight foggy morning here – good conditions for my drone around sunrise.

Day 3240 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Warren CT in a light fog.
Friend, Northville CT

On this date eight years ago (day 318 of one photo every day): Market, Nairobi, re-edited.

Market, Nairobi Kenya


Friday August 17, 2018

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Here’s Derek by the light of his mobile. I’m trying to avoid pictures of people on their mobiles (because now days the subject is grindingly pedestrian), but I make an exception for mobile phone light as a source of illumination. Obviously I couldn’t do this with a manual focus Leica, or for that matter with most camera’s – here I relied on the the Sony A7riii’s fine high ISO performance and excellent autofocus.

Day 3228 if one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


On this date seven years ago (day 671 of one photo every day): Shot in Central Park with a medium format technical camera on a tripod. This technique produces beautiful images from a technical standpoint but in my hands tends to be a bit static.

Central Park
Central Park


Saturday August 11, 2018

WASHIGTON CONNECTICUT – Back at the Five Senses festival, shooting friends.

Day 3222 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Portrait of Marty

On this date six years ago (day 1031 of one photo every day): Flags

Field of Flags
Field of Flags

Family and friends Portrait

Friday August 3, 2018

WARREN CONNECTICUT – I love the slow, sultry late summer days of August. A good time to catch up with friends.

Day 3214 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


On this date last year (day 2849 of one photo every day): Maria at Haleakala Summit, Maui


Sunday July 29, 2018

WASHINGTON CONNECTICUT – A child’s art project at the Five Senses Festival.

Day 3209 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Art Project

On this day seven years ago (day 652 of one photo every day): Lamu Kenya



Friday July 27, 2018

WASHINGTON CONNECTICUT – Portraits from the Five Senses Festival here. Shot with my Sony A7Riii camera.

Day 2307 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


On this date eight years ago (day 286 of one photo every day): Hell’s Kitchen

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