Events and holidays Family and friends Portrait

Sunday December 19, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – The Holiday season continues. This is our friend Chuck Klein at John and Anne Herrmann’s Holiday party.
Chuck Klein
Chuck Klein

On this day one year ago: Dallas Fort Worth Airport.

Dallas Fort Worth


Tuesday December 14, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Self portrait with the Panasonic GF1:

Woody Campbell

On this day last year: Bunny Beekman at the Four Seasons Restaurant

Four Seasons Restaurant
Four Seasons Restaurant

Family and friends Portrait

Thursday November 4, 2010

Click for more

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Another lunatic day. We gave a dinner party for 10, “auto catered” by me. On top of this November is typically a busy time in my day job (actually round-the-clock) so at a couple of points I’ve been hanging by my fingernails in terms of a daily photograph, and timely posting has suffered. As things ease off a bit I’m catching up on posts. Here is a guest at dinner:
Dinner at home

On this date one year ago: Grant Winthrop at an Irving Penn show at the Forbes Gallery

Grant Winthrop


Friday October 22, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – I picked up a painting from a restorer/framer – it’s an 18th century Italian arcadian landscape from Maria’s mother. Here’s a link to my blog entry when I dropped it off a the framer. July 19 blog entry. Anyway, I caught myself in one of the many, many mirrors in the shop. My teacher and friend Lois Connor has told me to stop doing this (I’ve got hundreds of similar images) but sometimes I can’t resist. Leica M9 and 50mm Summilux.
APF Master Framemakers

On this date one year ago: October 22, 2009

Bandon Oregon sunrise

Events and holidays Family and friends Portrait

Tuesday October 19, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Antonio Monda’s birthday party. Antonio’s Wikipedia entry. At parties I work with a Nikon D700 and an 85mm f1.4 lens, shooting wide open. I never use flash. The advantage of the D700 is very, very good low light capability – it’s much better than the Leica that I use in other circumstances. Shooting the 85mm lens wide open results in very selective focus, which suits my shooting style.

Here’s Antonio and his daughter.

Antonio Monda

Here’s a part of the crowd cheering Antonio on as he blows out his candles. The woman who the focus is on is Donna Tartt. Behind her to the left is Maria Campbell, my wife; to the right is Jay McInerney.

Donna Tartt, Maria Campbell, Jay McInerney

On this date one year ago: October 19, 2009

Halloween House

Home Landscape Portrait

Saturday October 16, 2010

WARREN, CONNECTICUT – This is the first anniversary of my One Photo Every Day Blog. We’re in Connecticut (without electricity) and the fall foliage is if anything better than ever, so my photography this weekend is fixated on it. Here’s foliage in early morning light. Three frames stitched, taken with my Leica M9 and a 90 mm Elmarit lens.
Connecticut fall foliage

I’ve decided from this point on to experiment with putting in links to last year’s post from the same date:
On this date one year ago: October 16, 2009

My first post after a frustrating month sorting out blog technology was an image of the Jean DeBuffet sculpture at One Chase Manhattan Plaza.

Here are a couple of more from October 16, 2010 – since it’s my anniversary I’m giving myself a break from the editorial chore of sorting pictures down to one. We ran into an old friend, Lane Smith, at a book signing for his book, It’s a Book, at the Hickory Stick Bookstore in Washington, Connecticut Here are couple of links of interest: Lane’s video version of the It’s a Book, which ironically went viral. And Hickory Stick Bookshop. Shot with my Leica M9 and a 1954 50mm Dual Range Summicron.

Lane Smith book signing

Finally, more foliage. Leica M9 plus 35mm Summicron v. IV. Two frames stitched.

Connecticut Foliage

Events and holidays Portrait

Tuesday October 12, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – We spent the first part of the evening at a fundraiser at One Oak, the currently in club/bar in Manhattan, located on West 17th Street in the shadow of the Highline Park.  See High line

One Oak

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