Family and friends Landscape Portrait

Saturday March 24, 2018

ANTIGUA – We try to come here, our favorite Winter get away, two or three times over the winter. This presents a challenge photographically as there is only so much that can be said about perfect beaches and palm trees. So hunker down for a boring stretch over the next week. All shot with my Son A7rii converted to black and white only (its Bayer filter has been removed).

Day 3082 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


On this day five years ago (day 1256 of one photo every day)): Still winter in Warren CT.

Still icy
Still icy


Thursday March 15, 2018

MANHATTAN – Out with my Sony A7riii today set up for candid work.

Day 3073 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Hand in subway

On this day last year (day 2708): Winter sucks and never ends

Warren CT.

Interior Portrait

Friday February 9, 2018

MANHATTAN and KENT CONNECTICUT – We started the day at home in Manhattan, where the apartment has been cleared out to refinish the floors, paint and otherwise spruce up, and ended he day for dinner at Swyft, a lovely new casual restaurant in Kent CT.

Day 3039 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


On this date last year (day 2674 of one photo every day): Not really biking weather.


Architecture Factories Portrait

Thursday February 1, 2018

MANHATTAN – We spent some time in the West Village with Fabrizio Ferri, the founder and creator of Industria Superstudios.

Day 3031 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Industria Superstudio
Industria Studios West Village
Industria Studios West Village
Industria Studios West Village
Industria Studios West Village

On this date eight years ago (day 109 of one photo every day): Chrysler Building

Chrysler Building

Landscape Portrait

Tuesday November 7, 2017

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I spent the morning at Maria’s office refreshing her and others’ headshots. Originals in color.

Day 2,945 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Maria Headshot

On this date five years ago (day 1,119): Blizzard


Portrait Urban

Saturday October 28, 2017

NEW YORK NEW YORK – We stayed in New York this weekend. Here’s is a morning trip to Costco followed by Victoria’s fourth birthday.

Day 2,935 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Costco Manhattan
Birthday Girl

On this day seven years ago (day 378): Chicago – the Wrigley Building

Family and friends Portrait

Tuesday September 26, 2017

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Grandson, mother and doting grandmother captured with my Sony A7rii

Day 2,903 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


On this day five years ag0 (day 712): Another heart tugger

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