Landscape Recreation Street Urban

Monday August 27, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – It’s a relief to be back home. Salt Lakers (and people from almost anyplace else in the country) find it hard to understand how New York can be home. It’s hard to explain but browsing through these pages may give you a sense. I celebrated my return by seeing a Yankees game with Alexander. That’s my fourth baseball game for the season – an unprecedented level on interest for me, driven more by the strong sense of place that Yankee Stadium (and Fenway) have, than an abiding curiosity about the game.

So here’s a street scene and Yankee Stadium, taken with my Leica M9 and a 12mm Voigtländer lens. As a non-fisheye this wide it’s amazing that it even produces an image. It produces serious color shifts with digital cameras, shifts that I correct for by “developing” the images in C1 with an llc correction. No veiwfinder is necessary – I just assume that it takes in everything in the general direction of the front of the camera. Focusing is redundant because of the long depth of field. Results can be weird and unpleasant because of wide angle geometric distortion – I tend to get a lot of junk with it but also an occasional gem.

The news meets weenies
The news meets weenies
Yankee Stadium
Yankee Stadium

I got film back today so I’ll be including a few film images each day until I run out of them. Generally taken with my Leica M4, Ilford Delta 100 film, and a dual range Summicron lens.

Fishers Island redux
Fishers Island redux

On this day one year ago: a Nash Metropolitan.

August 27, 2011
Nash Metropolitan

Interior Landscape Recreation

Thursday August 16, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I stopped by Francesca’s apartment to help her put it back together after a paint job. Then a Yankees game against Texas. This was a sensational day for baseball (but the Yankees lost 10-6) – through a friend we had Legends seating which as you will see is about as good as it gets. Both images with my Leica M9 and 18mm Super Elmar lens.
After the paint job
After the paint job
Good seata
Good seata

On this day last year: really wide.

Flatiron Building
Flatiron Building

Landscape Recreation Urban

Tuesday July 17, 2012

BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS – I had a couple of hours fee this morning in Boston, and actually did pretty well with my Fuji Xpro-1 and an 18mm lens (28mm equivalent). In the evening we were guests of a client at their box at Fenway Park – I caught the Green Monster with my iPhone – five images stitched in photoshop. The Red Sox lost to the White Sox (who in Chicago actually follow this team – I’ve never met a Chicagoan who isn’t a Cubs fan), but we had the pleasure of watch balls carom off of the wall.
Green Monster
Green Monster
Beantown Rocks
Beantown Rocks

On this day last year: Centerfold.


Landscape Recreation

Saturday June 9, 2012

WARREN CONNECTICUT – We took our new old boat out for a sunset cruise on Lake Waramaug. The spotlight on this think is irresistible – I’m going to have to break it off to eliminate the temptation to include it in every image taken from the boat. Take with my Leica M9 and 24mm Summilux.
Sunset on Lake Waramaug
Sunset on Lake Waramaug

On this day one year ago: Peonies.



Friday April 20, 2012

NEW MILFORD CONNECTICUT – Over the past two years I have occasionally included on these pages pictures of a 1954 Chris Craft that I own with a friend (neither of us get enough use out of it to justify sole ownership). It was having some reliability problems so we have traded it for a new old boat, another Chris Craft. I drove up here this afternoon to check the new boat out with Roger, our friend who restores Chris Crafts. Feels like a silly indulgence, but Maria told me this evening that a very close friend has been diagnosed with breast cancer (which appears to have been treated successfully) so repeat after me: “carpe diem, carpe diem, carpe diem . . .” Images taken with my Sony Nex-7 and 24mm Summilux lens.

Here a corner of Roger’s shop. I got dozens of images like these today. Where to start? Do a project on shops?

Roger's shop
Roger's shop

The boat’s engine looks great.

Marine engine
Marine engine

More boat. I’m going to try a crop of this to exclude Roger (I often crop to square format – probably as a result of my long experience with a Rollei 2.8 F and Hasselblad film cameras). I’ll post it tomorrow.

Chris Craft
Chris Craft

On this day last year: Hongqiau Airport. A travel day between Shanghai and Beijing.

Hongqiao Airport
Hongqiao Airport

Family and friends Landscape Recreation

Tuesday April 17, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK = Alexander’s birthday. We made the pilgrimage to Yankee Stadium for a game with the Minnesota Twins. There’s no better experience on a balmy summer evening. It’s not summer but the weather has been unseasonably warm so the evening was in fact balmy. Here’s Yankee Stadium as landscape taken with my iPhone plus a couple taken by Francesca (guest photographer) with the Hipstamatic app.
Yankee Stadium
Yankee Stadium
Birthday boy
Birthday boy
Francesca and self
Francesca and self

On this day one year ago: Hongqiao rail station.

Rail terminal Shanghai
Rail terminal Shanghai

Landscape Recreation Transportation Travel

Sunday February 19, 2012

GASAPARILLA ISLAND FLORIDA – Our friend Don Burton (who has introduced us the Gasparilla) took us on a boat ride today, a rare gray and threatening day. There’s an area on the east side of the island that has canals and houses built by boat fanciers. This captured with my Sony Nex-7 and 90mm Elamarit lens.
Boat People
Boat People

On this day last year: Still winter.

It's still winter
It's still winter

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