
Sunday May 30, 2010

WASHINGTON CONNECTICUT –   Boating on Lake Waramaug.  The following is from the Wikipedia entry on Lake Waramaug:

“Although natural in origin, the surface elevation of the lake has been raised by a small concrete and masonry dam. The surface area of the lake is approximately 680 acres (2.8 km2). The lake has a maximum depth of 40 feet (12 m), an average depth of 22 feet (7 m), and contains approximately 4.8 billion gallons of water. The lake is fed by Sucker Brook (Lake Waramaug Brook), numerous small streams, and groundwater that enters through the lake bottom. Drainage from Waramaug Lake flows southward into the East Aspetuck River. . . . The lake is named after a chief of the Wyantenock tribe. Chief Waramaug and his followers summered in the area now covered by Lake Waramaug.”

1956 Chris Craft


Saturday March 13, 2010

NEW MILFORD, CONNECTICUT – I visited a terrific craftsman’s workshop today – a man named Roger Standt who specializes in restoring wooden Chris Craft boats.  This is the inside of his shop.  I was there looking at a 1954 Chris Craft that I’m buying with a friend.  I’ve attached a picture as a comment.

Roger's Shop

Interior Recreation Travel

Monday January 25, 2010

MUSTIQUE – The home theatre in a house in Mustique.  The photographs on the walls are mine, taken during the construction of the house.  As I write this I’m sitting next to Alex Antonelli, the  architect who built the house.

Day 102 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Home theatre

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