-Woody's Picks Landscape Street Urban

Thursday April 1, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Magical light on West 42nd Street.

West 42nd Street

Icon Street Urban

Thursday March 25, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – In the morning at Lever House on Park Avenue.

Lever House

Food and wine Street

Sunday, March 21, 2010

NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA – A long day of food related activities, mostly outdoors.  Unseasonably low temperatures and heavy overcast skies generally made photography unpleasant.  This is from a breakfast of beignets and cappuccino at Cafe’ Beignet in the French Quarter.  Continued a self-quided beignet tour at the more famous Cafe du Monde but the crowds were appalling and the light very poor.

Cafe' Beignet

-Woody's Picks Events and holidays Street Urban

Wednesday March 17, 2010 (St. Patrick’s Day)

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – At the St. Patrick’s Day parade.

St. Patrick's Day Parade

-Woody's Picks Landscape Street Urban

Tuesday March 16, 2010


Cash for your Warhol

-Woody's Picks Landscape Street Urban

Monday March 15, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Citicorp Center.

Citicorp Center

-Woody's Picks Landscape Street Urban

Thursday February 4, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Lexington Avenue.

Lexington Avenue

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