NEW YORK, NEW YORK – I’ve gotten behind posting. Today’s picture is in the Air France lounge at JFK, where I’m waiting to board a flight to Paris with a connection to Naples, where I’m meeting Maria and our children to go to Capri to attend a family wedding. You’ll see a lot of this in the following days.
I’m way behind in my postings because right after returning from Italy I came down with a nasty flu (which might have been the coxsackievirus as there has been an outbreak of it around here). The English refer to unspecified disorders as the “dreaded lurgy” so I guess I could say that I had a lurgy. I did manage to photograph my way though it, though.
Anyway, back to the Air France lounge. I caught this less-than-magic moment with my Leica M9 and a 50mm Summilux lens. As I’ve noted before travel days are not my best days for photography.
BREWSTER, NEW YORK – We drove up to Connecticut tonight (a Thursday!), something that we almost never to. Here’w a rest stop on 684 in Brewster New York, captures with my Leica M9 and 28mm Summicron lens. Three frames stitched.
Rest Stop Brewster New York
DELTA FLIGHT 2137 – I need to get my daily picture done even when I’m doing dumb or boring things like riding in an airplane. I caught sunrise out of my window – which partially redeemed a long flight in a window seat. Taken with my Panasonic GH2 and a 20mm pancake lens.
Delta Flight 2137
NEW YORK, HEW YORK – An SUV that had the misfortune to be parked on the street during the three snowstorms that hit New York while we were away. The snow quickly passes from a beautiful white blanket hiding the City’s flaws to a dirty eyesore. Taken with my Leica.
AIRBORNE BETWEEN BARBADOS AND MUSTIQUE – The places that you get to in a small plane seem to be the best. I guess that’s because there are enough people who say “I’d never fly in one of those things” to keep the crowds small. Or maybe its the landings – places where small planes go tend to have funky airports. Here we are on the last leg of the full day trip from snow-bound Manhattan to Mustique, a paradise island in the Grenadines. Here’s a link to one of the three places where the public can buy a meal on the island: Basil’s Bar. Basil Charles OBE, the owner, is a friend and has the good taste to have purchased one of my prints. No kidding on the OBE – its in recognition of his important contribution to education in St. Vincent.
Mustique appears to have become our island paradise of choice. This is not a result of a conscious decision but we were there in June 2010 at a wedding and in January of last year when I said “I almost always do tropical setting in black and white” to avoid hackneyed images. Yeh, right. We’ll see about that. This statement has made me rethink what I’m going to post over the next few days. 100% color. “Not hackneyed” is over rated, anyway.
Don’t look for a Jimmy Buffet vibe when you get here. It’s paradise, and you can buy a cheeseburger but that’s about the only connection.
Day 465 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – I picked my car up from being serviced to day and killed some time in the showroom with my Leica and a very wide lens, the 16mm Voigtlander. Here’s an image. One interesting aspect of the showroom is that the lighting is designed to be symmetrical from this car’s position, and the cove lighting in the ceiling emphasizes the car’s lines. These people are smarter than you would expect.
Lexus of Manhattan
NEW LONDON CONNECTICUT VICINITY – So here I am shooting out of windows again, but this time on the Acela train from Boston to New York. This is through the glass with my extreme wide lens shooting one second or so exposures. This is interesting – the clouds are sharp because their relative motion is small – but the foreground is totally lost to motion blur. The tint in the train window gives a slight ghoulish quality to the light. I experimented with these for the four hour ride.