-Woody's Picks Street Transportation Travel

Tuesday July 13, 2010

BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS – A break between meetings in my monthly trip to Boston.  This image picks up a theme that I worked on in Ecuador.
Bus Station, Boston

Leica M9 and 28mm Summicron lens – two images stitched in Photoshop.

Street Transportation

Thursday July 8, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK –  Getting off the subway on the way to a movie, I Am Love. According to the New Yorker this film is in “limited release”.  After seeing it I can certainly understand why.
Lexington Avenue Subway

Leica M9 with 28mm Summilux.

Animals Interior Transportation Urban

Sunday May 23, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – I dropped the car off at our garage after driving back from Connecticut. That’s me, and our Norwich Terrier Basil, in the mirror. I’ve vowed never to post a picture of Basil on my blog (remember all of those pitiful posts on online photo forums to the effect: “Here is my cat Midas shot with my Nikon SuperUltra 9700 – you can see every whisker) but this seemed to be a reasonable exception.
95th Street Parking

Leica M9 with 35mm Summilux lens

Transportation Travel

Monday March 8, 2010

PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA – A thoroughly bad day for landscape photography.  Up at 5:00 AM to drive to Palm Springs to catch an 8:00 flight to New York.  All air traffic had ground to a halt because of the previous days bad weather and a heavy ground fog.  Almost four hours of delay.  We finally arrived in New York in the dark.

Here’s our departure gate in Palm Springs, waiting for an airplane.

Palm Springs airport

-Woody's Picks Family and friends Transportation Travel

Sunday December 27, 2009

DALLAS FORT WORTH AIRPORT – A travel day back to New York.  Francesca on the shuttle train at DFW.


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