Landscape Transportation Travel

Thursday December 29, 2011

NEWARK AIRPORT – This is one of those dreaded (photo-wise) travel days. Remember? I generally struggle to find an interesting image in airports, cabs and the like. Well actually the iPhone helps a lot – it’s always at hand and post processing apps provide entertaining (in reality silly) modifications of images. Who said that the photo-a-day gig has always to be serious.

We flew Southwest Air to Albuquerque. The “we” is me, Maria, Alexander and his wife, Laura, and Francesca. A three hour drive put us in Taos Ski Valley, one of the highest and frankly most difficult mountains in the US. Anyway here are two images taken in the aircraft as it prepared for takeoff. iPhone images. The first percolated and the second grunged up slightly.

Southwest Air
Southwest Air
Southwest Air
Southwest Air

On this day one year ago: Windswept field. In last year’s image from this date I used tilt to decrease the apparent depth of field:

Windswept field Warren Connecticut
Windswept field Warren Connecticut

Culture Travel

Thursday September 22, 2011

SHANGHAI – We managed to tuck a trip to Spin, a shop that sells porcelain made using classic Chinese techniques but with a slight Japanese fusion feel. The artist-owner, Gary Wang, is actually based in Connecticut. Taken with my trusty Panasonic GH2.

On this day one year ago: a dullish exterior of Grand Central Terminal. What the hell – every image can’t be interesting – this is a daily photo project after all.

Grand Central Terminal

Landscape Transportation Travel

Monday September 19, 2011

HONG KONG – We visited a vast container shipping terminal today. Seemed pretty promising as a subject but the rules of engagement were that we stayed in the bus furnished by management (i’m here on business, not as a photographer). I managed to capture a couple of images despite the limitation with my Panasonic GH2. Moody cranes was about the best I could do – the sky was poor and the light flat. I used high ISO so I could use a fast shutter speed because of the bus’s movement – contributing to the moodiness.
Crane detail
Crane detail

On this day last year: Hyde Park.

Hyde Park

Landscape Travel Urban

Sunday September 18, 2011

HONG KONG – It’s been a few years since I’ve been in Hong Kong. You would have thought that central Hong Kong was built to it’s maximum density, but there’s a project to “reclaim” land from Victoria Harbor. This made the walk from our hotel (the Mandarin Oriental) to the Star Ferry to cross to Kowloon about 300 yards longer than it used to be – the ferry terminals have been moved. All images with my Panasonic GH2.
Shopping in Kowloon
Shopping in Kowloon

On this day last year: Tea at the V&A.

Victoria and Albert Museum


Friday September 16, 2011

CATHAY PACIFIC FLIGHT 841 – On my way to Hong Kong. As usual travel days present photographic challenges. Resorted to self. I’m traveling with my Panasonic GH2 and an assortment of lenses.

On this day last year: Very nice BRG Bentley.

Vintage Bently


Tuesday August 2, 2011

AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS – Yikes! Another travel day. Here we are in Lounge 3 in Amsterdam which given the length of our layover is beginning to feel like a destination. Shot with my Panasonic GH2 – giving the Alpa a rest. It least it’s edgy.
Lounge 3
Lounge 3

On this day one year ago: Trancos, Bahia.

Beach at Trancoso

Landscape Travel

Monday August 1, 2011

LAMU, KENYA – The curse of a travel day. Our itinerary is bush plane to Niarobi. Rejoin our stored baggage, have lunch and dinner and catch up with some friends, fly overnight to Amsterdam and thence to New York. Before leaving a managed a walk on the beach at sunrise with my Alpa TC and Phase One IQ 180 back to capture this panorama, which I’ve also adapted to be the new header on my blog.
Sunrise at Lamu
Sunrise at Lamu

On this day one year ago: Sao Paulo.

Ceasers Business Hotel

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