Family and friends Travel

Wednesday August 17, 2010

HEATHROW AIRPORT, UK – After our overnight flight from New York we made our way-too-tight connection to our flight to Nairobi, an all-day affair which puts us in Nairobi at 9:00 PM local time, way after dark. Total travel time was 20 hours or so with 7 hours of time change from New York. Just after boarding we caught up with our friends John and Nancy Novogrod, who we’ll be traveling with for the next two weeks. John (like me) is a lawyer in New York; Nancy is the Editor in Chief of Travel & Leisure Magazine – the trip to Africa was her idea. Anyway, here are John and Nancy, just after boarding.
John and Nancy Novogrod

Shot with a Panasonic GF1 and 20mm f1.7 pancake lens.

Family and friends Travel

Tuesday August 17, 2010

AMERICAN AIRLINES FLIGHT 104, MID-ATLANTIC – We had a hectic day of packing for our trip to East Africa. Not much opportunity to photograph. Once we got on board the aircraft for the first leg of our flight I got a chance to grab this shot of Maria.
Maria Campbell

Shot with a Panasonic GF1 with a 20m f1.7 “pancake” lens which I use as a compact “walk around” camera.

Family and friends Recreation Travel

Saturday August 7, 2010

PARATY, BRAZIL – Friday afternoon and evening were packed with FLIP events. We gave ourselves a break on Saturday, spending the day on a friend’s boat out in the Paraty archipelago.
A day on a boat

Leica M9 and 24mm Summilux lens.


Wednesday August 4, 2010

PORTO SEGURO, BRAZIL – A travel day from Porto Seguro to Paraty via Sao Paulo. This from the Porto Seguro airport. I’m shooting with the 35mm Summicron pre-Asph. version IV lens, the “bokeh king”, which is noted for the quality of the out of focus portions of the image.
Porto Seguro Airport

Leica M9 with 35mm Summicron pre-Asph. version IV lens.


Tuesday August 3, 2010

TRANCOSO, BAHIA –  After a day on the beach we spent the evening in town, a colonial village.  The colorfully painted small houses around the long central quadrangle remind me of Oak Bluffs, Martha’s Vineyard, but they’ve mostly been turned into fully-priced boutiques.  The town is nearly empty – vacationing Brazilians left the previous Sunday because it was the end of a school vacation – but we imagine that it would be much less charming when overrun with vacationers.

I had difficulty choosing an image – several were of interest.  I chose this rather non-typcial view:


Leica M9 with 35mm Summicron pre-Asph. v. IV.


Monday August 2, 2010

TRANCOSO, BAHIA – We’re spending three days unwinding in this lovely little town south of Porto Seguro. It’s noted for its colonial square and lovely beaches. Here’s a link to Trancoso’s Wikipedia entry: Trancoso. Today we did the beach:
Beach at Trancoso

Leica M9 and 24mm Summilux lens. Three images stitched and perspective corrected in Photoshop.


Sunday August 1, 2010

SÃO PAULO BRAZIL – We checked into a hotel near the airport for six hours while we waited for our ongoing flight to Porto Seguro, as small coastal city 450 miles or so south of Salvador, Bahia. It is said to be the first place the the Portuguese set foot in the new world. Here’s a link: Porto Seguro. Here is a picture from the pool of the Hotel we spent our six hours in.
Ceasers Business Hotel

Leica M9 and 28mm Summicron lens.

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