Travel Urban

Wednesday July 14, 2010

BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS – Boston is not Barcelona. There is plenty of public art in Boston, but the quality overall is just ok. Here’s a part of a sculpture – the tail of what looks likes the Loch Ness monster that runs down the middle of the stairway that I’m standing on.

Leica M9 and 28mm Summcron lens.

-Woody's Picks Street Transportation Travel

Tuesday July 13, 2010

BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS – A break between meetings in my monthly trip to Boston.  This image picks up a theme that I worked on in Ecuador.
Bus Station, Boston

Leica M9 and 28mm Summicron lens – two images stitched in Photoshop.

-Woody's Picks Street Travel

Thursday July 1, 2010

QUITO ECUADOR – We’re not supposed to be in Quito – we had a 8:30 AM flight to Miami. It was unfortunately delayed for 13 hours so we found ourselves back in Quito for the day. We explored on foot and stumbled onto the National Assembly building. I say stumbled on it because it doesn’t show on printed maps or Google maps. Odd. Perhaps this is a residue of the long-running (60 years) border dispute with Peru in which Peru’s president, Alberto Fujimori, threatened to bomb Quito – a dispute that was finally settled in 1999.

This is Harvey Stein photographing a police show of force in front of the National Assembly building. They were there in response to a demonstration by teachers seeking more funding for education (as far as I could tell with my pidgin Spanish). This is the front gate of the National Assembly. At the rear gate there was a group of film makers and students seeking federal funding for the Ecuadorian film industry.

Demonstration - Ecuador National Assembly

Leica M9 with 28mm Summicron

Landscape Street Travel

Wednesday June 30, 2010

QUITO ECUADOR – We’re back in Quito getting ready for the flight home. I woke up early to capture the city waking up in lovely light. The man near the center of the frame is wheeling his shoeshine stand toward Plaza de La Indepenencia where he will set it up for the day.
Shoe shine man

Leica M9 with 28mm Summicron

Culture Travel

Tuesday June 29, 2010

CAYAMBE ECUADOR – This town hosts a week-long festival for Pacha Mama (Mother Earth) and Taita Inti (Father Sun) around the summer solstice. This guy’s costume bears no relationship to the prevailing native garb at this festival – he probably looked as odd to the Ecuadorians as he does to us. His mask looks like it was made from a child’s bib, but on close examination it’s actually finely beaded. He’s sufficiently odd that I’ve adopted him in the header for my site.
Cayambe festival

Leica M9 with 28mm Summicron.

-Woody's Picks Events and holidays Travel

Sunday June 27, 2010

ECUADOR – I’m back tired after a long day of shooting, with limited internet access.  I thought that I should post a photo from today – I’ll update the post with further information when I have a better connection.

Leica M9 with 35mm Summicron Asph.

Culture Events and holidays Travel

Saturday June 26, 2010

HACIENDA ZULETA, ECUADOR – We visited Hacienda Zuleta a few hour drive north of Quito.

I’ve paraphrased the history of the hacienda from its web site. In the late 16th century, King Charles gave the Zuleta region to the Jesuits, who implemented Spanish methods of farming and cattle and sheep production. In the following years a small wool mill was established. And by 1691, the Hacienda house, granary and chapel were completed and the farm was in full operation. In 1713 the property was confiscated and transferred to Canon Gabriel Zuleta, making Zuleta his seventeenth hacienda. The farm became known as Cochicaranqui de Zuleta. After the Canon’s death the farm passed to the Posse family,who restored the hacienda back to its 17th century grandeur. The estate was sold to Jose Maria Lasso in 1898 and passed through two generations to its current owner, Galo Plaza Lasso, the ex-President of Ecuador.

We attended the feast of San Juan at the hacienda – this is Mr. Plaza Lasso catching an offering from a local village.

Chicken offering

Leica M9 and 35mm Summicron Asph.

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