Religion Travel

Friday June 25, 2010

QUITO ECUADOR – Baptismal in the Iglesia de San Roque, Quito. Built in 1596 and extensively renovated in the 20th Century.
Iglesia de San Roque

Leica M9 and 24mm Summilux.

Landscape Travel

Wednesday June 23, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – This was a travel day, starting in the morning at LaGuardia and ending the day in Quito, Ecuador, via Miami. This out of the window of a taxi on the way to LaGuardia. The Bridge is the Triborough Bridge – at least that’s its historical name and what most New Yorkers call it. It was officially renamed the Robert F. Kennedy Bridge in 2008. Here’s a short excerpt from the Wikipedia entry on the bridge:

“Construction had begun on Black Friday in 1929, and the Triborough project’s outlook began to look bleak. Othmar Ammann’s assistance was enlisted to help simplify the structure. Ammann had collapsed the original two-deck roadway into one, requiring lighter towers, and thus, lighter piers. These cost-saving revisions saved $10 million on the towers alone. Using New Deal money, the project was resurrected in the early 1930s by Robert Moses and the bridge was opened to traffic on July 11, 1936.”

Here’s a link to the Metropolitan Transit Authority’s page on the bridge: RFK Bridge

RFK Bridge

Leica M9 and 35mm Summicron Asph.

Family and friends Travel

Tuesday June 22, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Maria’s passport picture. We needed photographs for visa applications for Brazil, Kenya and Tanzania for a trip that we’re planning for August.

Nicon D700 with Nikon 85mm f1.4 lens and an on-camera flash.

Transportation Travel

Monday March 8, 2010

PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA – A thoroughly bad day for landscape photography.  Up at 5:00 AM to drive to Palm Springs to catch an 8:00 flight to New York.  All air traffic had ground to a halt because of the previous days bad weather and a heavy ground fog.  Almost four hours of delay.  We finally arrived in New York in the dark.

Here’s our departure gate in Palm Springs, waiting for an airplane.

Palm Springs airport

Landscape Travel

Tuesday January 26, 2010

MUSTIQUE – Picnic on Macaroni Beach.


Interior Recreation Travel

Monday January 25, 2010

MUSTIQUE – The home theatre in a house in Mustique.  The photographs on the walls are mine, taken during the construction of the house.  As I write this I’m sitting next to Alex Antonelli, the  architect who built the house.

Day 102 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Home theatre

Family and friends Portrait Travel

Friday January 22, 2010

QUEENS, NEW YORK – A long travel day.  JFL Airport, on our way to Mustique.

Day 99 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


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