-Woody's Picks Family and friends Transportation Travel

Sunday December 27, 2009

DALLAS FORT WORTH AIRPORT – A travel day back to New York.  Francesca on the shuttle train at DFW.


Family and friends Small town Street Travel

Saturday December 26, 2009

SAN MIGUEL DE ALLENDE, MEXICO – A thoughtful moment at La Unión.


-Woody's Picks Animals Landscape Travel

Thursday December 24, 2009

NEAR TLALPUJAHUA, MEXICO = We witnessed a remarkable phenomenon in the mountains above this lovely colonial town.  There is huge annual migration of Monarch butterflies from Canada and the Northeastern United States to this mountainous region of Mexico, about a three hour drive from Mexico City.  The Monarchs arrive in early November, which coincides with the Day of the Dead – the pre-Spanish people resident in the area believed that Monarchs were the souls of their ancestors.  They cluster in very high density (estimated at about 20 million butterflies per hectare) at very high altitude.  It’s possible to visit them by driving deeply into the the mountains and riding a horse for about a half hour from a nomadic base camp.  It’s possible to walk, but not advised because the elevation is very high, 11,200 feet (3,400 meters) and the half day one is there is too short a time to become acclimatized to the altitude.   The Monarchs cluster quietly on every surface until the temperature goes above 50 degrees F at which point they take to the air in breathtaking density,  The Monarchs we see in Connecticut take part in this migration.

Monarch butterflies

-Woody's Picks Animals Small town Street Travel

Wednesday December 23, 2009


San Miguel de Allende

-Woody's Picks Events and holidays Religion Travel

Tuesday December 22, 2009

DOLORES HIDALGO, MEXICO – A Christmas greeting from Dolores Hidalgo.

San Miguel de Allende

Small town Street Travel

Monday December 21, 2009

SAN MIGUEL DE ALLENDE, MEXICO – I’ve edited this post – I didn’t like my original selection. Here’s a fountain in San Miguel de Allende.

San Miguel de Allende

-Woody's Picks Culture Interior Travel

Sunday December 20, 2009

SAN MIGUEL DE ALLENDE – We’re spending Christmas week in this ancient high dessert city in central Mexico.  There are post card images in every direction.  This is from an arts center out of the center of town.


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