
Friday February 6, 2015

JODHPUR INDIA – Well here we are, on our last day in India. I snapped this at a little temple that’s in the boutique hotel that we’re staying in out in the desert here. Then the descent into the air travel system – 24+ hours back to New York.

Day 1,940 of one picture every day for the rest of my life.


On this day four years ago (day 479): Luke Tanner’s orchard.

Luke Tanner's orchard
Luke Tanner’s orchard

Abstract Travel

Tuesday November 18, 2014

BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS – This started as a travel day with a trip here from New York. You may remember that travel days aren’t my best: the hassles of travel make it difficult for me to concentrate on the visual. I ended up shooting a picture of my iPad with my iPhone. It’s not Caravaggio but it keeps the string alive.
Day 1,860 of one picture every day for the rest of my life.

On this day two years ago (day 1,130): Maria swims.

Maria swims some laps
Maria swims some laps

Travel Urban

Wednesday October 29, 2014

SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA – I’m in San Diego for a reunion of my Marine Corps Officers Basic School class. For more on this click the link to my biography. This was a travel day so I didn’t get much in the way of images. I did visit the San Diego Zoo; I’m afraid that I’m joining the dyspeptic band that finds zoos sad and distasteful, so I couldn’t find any images. Anyway, here’s the pool in the hotel that we’re staying at.

Day 1,840 of one picture every day for the rest of my life.

San Diego California
San Diego California

On this day three years ago (day 744): Freak Blizzard. Yes, we were hit by a freak blizzard on October 29, 2011. A couple of images from Warren. This was one of the most destructive storms in our lifetime because the very heavy snow crushed millions of threes, which still had their leaves.

Freak blizzard
Freak blizzard



Sunday August 24, 2014

MADRID – A dreaded travel day. I popped off a few snapshots on the street before we loaded up into a car to start the trek back to New York.

Day 1,774 of one picture every day for the rest of my life.

Travel day
Travel day

On this day four years ago (day 313): Massai Mara Sunset.


Landscape Travel

Friday January 24, 2014

UNITED AIRLINES FLIGHT 414 – Travel days are hard for me as a daily photo blog guy. My gear is compacted into travel order so I do a lot with my iPhone. Here’s a surprise: there were major God-rays as we climbed out over the Central Valley from San Francisco.

This is day 1,562 in an unbroken string on my daily photo blog.


On this day one year ago: Third Avenue.

Third Avenue
Third Avenue


Saturday January 18, 2014

UNITED FLIGHT 1120 – Well here I am on the way to San Francisco where I pick up a rental car to drive to Groveland California, which it turns out is the home of the oldest continuously operate saloon in California, the Iron Door, which dates to 1849, the first year of the gold rush. I’ll be joining a group of kindred spirits there to photograph Yosemite. The plan was to shoot Yosemite with a snow cover, but under current drought conditions there isn’t a single flake in evidence. This was taken on the flight to San Francisco with my iPhone.

Day 1,556 of one image a day for the rest of my life.

United flight to SF
United flight to SF

I caught this more conventional image before leaving for the airport with my Leica Monochrom camera.


On this day last year: Looking uptown. This is the image that I posted last year:

Looking uptown
Looking uptown

This is an image taken on the same day that I wish I had posted.


Abstract Family and friends Travel

Wednesday October 16, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – This is my fourth anniversary. I’ve posted a picture every day since October 16, 2009. I’ve reproduced below my October 16, 2009 picture, a Jean DuBuffet sculpture, that was my first post. This is my 1461th consecutive daily post. (I’ve written a dozen or so posts more than 1461 because on one of our Africa trips I wrote more than one post a day.)

I’m planning on continuing until they bury me. There’s no point to this work other than the blog itself. I get occasional revenue from it as magazines ask for publication rights to images – this just about covers the cost of my hosting service. I have no plans for commercializing it.

For today we’re still at Schloss Elmau with perhaps one of the best pictures of our stay here. It’s a joint portrait of Maria and me.

Group portrait
Group portrait

On this day one year ago: Second Avenue Subway.

Second Avenue Subway
Second Avenue Subway

The first picture in my now four-year photo a day effort, from October 16, 2009:

Jean DuBuffet “Four Trees” One Chase Manhattan Plaza

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