Interior Travel

Monday October 14, 2013

SCHLOSS ELMAU GERMANY – A couple of observations. Some days are better than others. This was not a better day. Despite the alpine scenery my photographs were meh.

Every day before I leave home base I take a picture to make sure that the camera has a memory card, a charged battery and settings that are not off in outer space. When I shot film every roll began with a picture of my shoes. Today the random image from our room at the schloss was the best of a poor lot so I’m posting it. Don’t blame my Leica Monochrom for the results.

Our room
Our room

On this day one year ago: Red Rooster Drive-In.

Red Rooster Drive In
Red Rooster Drive In


Wednesday August 28, 2013

PORTLAND OREGON – Back to New York on an early morning flight from Portland. I had a window seat (I usually prefer isle) so I shot pictures out the window with my Monochrom and 50mm APO Summicron Asph. This usually doesn’t work but today it did because of interesting morning light on the ground and interesting late afternoon light above the clouds.
Portland Airport
Portland Airport

Culture Travel

Friday August 23, 2013

HUMLEBÆK DENMARK – We went to Louisiana today (the modern art museum, not the state). I find this place irresistible. It’s sited on a commanding hill overlooking the Øresund Sound, which separate Denmark and Sweden. There was an exhibit of Yoko Ono’s work that I ignored, preferring to be outside on a perfect day. This is a mini gallery of work from the day (the first in an office in Copenhagen, the balance at Louisiana), all taken with my Leica Monochrom and 50mm Summicron lens. I’ve edited this overly long post to include some iPhone images from our dinner at Noma, ranked this year as the second best restaurant in the world (I’ll post reactions to it in due course).
More Peoples
More Peoples
Lunch companions
Lunch companions

On this day last year: On Broadway around Rock Center taken with my Leica M9 and Noctilux lens.

Walk on the West Side
Walk on the West Side

Landscape Travel Urban

Thursday August 22, 2013

COPENHAGEN – Another dullish day. I went to Tivoli but found it less charming than I remembered, a bit tawdry actually. I’m sure that there’s a lot to photograph here but I’m not finding it. In my wanderings to and from I ended up taking a solo person and a colonnade, topics that I’ve covered endlessly for as long as I’ve been shooting (starting with my grand tour of Europe in the 1970s and most recently here yesterday and in Paris two days ago). I was in Tivoli then then so maybe the association triggered these images in the style of À la recherche du temps perdu. With my Leica Monocrom and 50mm Summicron Asph., three frames stitched in the case of the solo man.
Lone person
Lone person
Seen this before
Seen this before

On this day one year ago: Subway stairs shot with my Noctilux and ND filter.

Subway Steps
Subway Steps

Transportation Travel

Tuesday April 23, 2013

WEST PALM BEACH FLORIDA – A worse than usual travel day. The Federal Government seems to have started a job action in pursuit of the “sequester”. This has left air traffic controllers short-handed leading in our case to a three and one half hour delay for a two and one half hour flight from West Palm to LaGuardia. Here’s the inside of the bus from the car rental lot with my iPhone:
Car rental bus
Car rental bus

On this day last year: Rock Center.

Dio du
Dio du

Travel Urban

Tuesday March 12, 2013

BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS – This was a travel day to Boston. I had an hour or two to walk around with my Leica Monochrom in dull, flat, uninteresting light. Not much came of it. Here we are at the entrance to Chinatown, Boston-style, taken with my Leica Monochrom and 21 mm Super Elmar lens.

On this day one year ago: Flatiron Building. Actually the Flatiron Building’s shadow.

Flatiron Building
Flatiron Building

Recreation Transportation Travel

Wednesday January 30, 2013

TOBAGO CAYS – We chartered a fast boat for the the day to take us down to Tobago Cays where we snorkeled and had a picnic lunch. The trip back and forth was exceptionally rough. Altogether a fund day. Images with my Leica S.
Life on board
Life on board

On This day one year ago: Lava lamp.

Lava Lamp and Jim Dow
Lava Lamp and Jim Dow

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