Transportation Travel

Wednesday July 18, 2012

AMTRAC TRAIN SOMEWHERE IN CONNECTICUT – I took the train back to New York and had a chance to catch up on editing photos and writing posts. Here’s from my seat on the train with my Fuji Xpro-1 and an 18mm Fuji lens:

More film scans from Italy, all taken with my Leica M3 and 50mm Summilux lens on XP-5 film.

St. Ambrose
St. Ambrose
St. Ambrose
St. Ambrose

On this day last year: Home sick.

Home sick
Home sick

Landscape Travel

Friday July 6, 2012

MILAN ITALY – One last day of tourism in Italy. Maria has finished her meetings so she was able to join me visiting Villa Necchi, Pinacoteca di Brera and shopping on Via Spiga and Via Montenapoleone. One this is clear: these Milanese do design and retail like no one else.

So here are my captures for the day, tank with my Leica M9 and 24mm Lummilux lens.

Villa Necchi
Villa Necchi
Villa Necchi
Villa Necchi
Maria sees the big picture
Maria sees the big picture

On this day one year ago: a sick day. I’ve cropped this to be one of my favorite headers for this site.

Chinese porcelain
Chinese porcelainChinese procelain

Landscape Travel

Saturday June 23, 2012

SWITZERLAND FROM GUARDA AND ZUOZ – No, I’m not making these place names up at random. Zuoz is a real place. We got to some pretty high altitudes today. I felt in a Black and white mood once we left Guarda. All taken with my Leica M9 and 24mm Summilux lens.
High Alps
High Alps
-Glacier melt
-Glacier melt
On the trail
On the trail

On this day one year ago: Carl Schurz Park.

Landscape Travel

Friday June 22, 2012

BETWEEN SCUOL AND GUARDA, SWITZERLAND – A day of practicing yodeling. Actually not really, I can’t sing at all. We hiked for a bit, took a chairlift to gain some altitude then set off on a serious hike. We typically cover 8 to 15 miles in a day. Our sensational guide, Ken Fuhrer, does a great job of assessing what we can do and then pressing us for just a bit more.

Bunches of pictures – once posted I’ll come back to try to edit these down a bit. All taken with my Leica M9.

Chair lift taken with Leica 35mm Summilux.

Chair lift
Chair lift

Taken with a Leica Wide-Angle Tri- Elmar at 16mm.

Glacier melt
Glacier melt

Taken with my 90mm Elmarit:

Tree line
Tree line

Taken with my 35mm Summilux:

Cheese on the hoof
Cheese on the hoof

35mm Summilux:


Wide-Angle Tri-Elmar:

More wild flowers
More wild flowers

On this day one year ago: Sergei.

Dinner in the kitchen
Dinner in the kitchen

Landscape Travel Urban

Tuesday March 20, 2012

LAS VEGAS NEVADA – I’ve chosen not to dwell on the looniness of this place – it’s been amply documented by others. Here we have an image caught with my Sony Nex-7 while leaving town.
Leaving town
Leaving town

On this day last year: Portland Oregon parking lot.

Parking Lot Portland
Parking Lot Portland

Landscape Travel

Tuesday February 21, 2012

BOCA GRANDE FLORIDA – A sad morning. We’re packing to go back to New York. We took a pre-breakfast walk down to the beach. We’re on the Gulf of Mexico facing West, so phnotography is better in the evening here than in the morning. This is what I got at the beach club with my Sony Nex-7.
Gasparilla Inn Beach Club
Gasparilla Inn Beach Club

On this day last year: Caboose Gallery.

Kent Caboose Gallery
Kent Caboose Callery

Landscape Travel

Monday February 20, 2012

BOCA GRANDE FLORIDA – We spent today on the beach. Maria could do this all day every day forever. One day is about the limit for a month or so for me. This a long beach – 7 miles or so. I took off walking with my Sony Nex-7 and a 35mm lens. Here are three images from the day. Sunset at the Gasparilla Inn beach:

The Gasparilla range light. These structures are only called light houses when there is an actual house for a tender to live in. The Gulf of Mexico (and the bay behind the island) are shallow here making navigation tricky for large boats. Three frames stitched.

Gasparilla Range Light
Gasparilla Range Light

A portion of Maria’s horde of shells from the beach.


On this day last year: Washington CT Congregational Church.

Washington Congregational Church
Washington Congregational Church

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