-Woody's Picks Landscape Urban

Wednesday February 24, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Times Square, on my way to see Time Stands Still at the Manhattan Theatre Club.

Times Square

-Woody's Picks Icon Infrared Monuments

Thursday February 18. 2010

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In Washington for a food policy conference.  I spent the morning exploring the Lincoln Memorial end of the Mall, including an emotional hour at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.  Captured in infrared.

Vietnam Veterans Memorial

-Woody's Picks Food and wine Icon Landscape Urban

Tuesday February 16, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Madison Square at night.

Madison Square and the Shake Shack

-Woody's Picks Landscape

Monday February 15, 2010

WARREN, CONNECTICUT – Sunrise on a much warmer day.  Just two weeks to March with its hope for Spring.  Luke Tanner’s cornfield.

Warren sunrise

-Woody's Picks Infrared Landscape Urban

Friday February 12, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Infrared, outside of the Ferrari dealer on Park Avenue.


-Woody's Picks Landscape Monuments Urban

Tuesday February 9, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Same subjects as yesterday, but a different angle and in color.

Racquet and Tennis Club

-Woody's Picks Icon Infrared Landscape Urban

Monday February 8, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Back to a favorite subject:  New York in infrared.  There were many interesting images from today.  Here’s a sample.

Racquet and Tennis Club

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