NEW YORK, NEW YORK – At last a decent landscape image. I’m primarily interested in landscape, which for me often means urban landscape because I live in New York. You can’t dress, stylize or direct landscape. You have to wait for it. The best light is often around sunrise or sunset. Sometimes when it happens no one is looking. Sometimes you wait for it and it doesn’t arrive. This is my 281st daily post since i started this project last October. About half of the images are in New York. No more than a dozen of them are landscapes that are actually of interest.
This was an unusually productive sunset, looking East out the windows of our apartment. I’ve posted my favorite out of the group. Some of the outtakes are interesting enough that I’m posting them in a comment – click on the date above to see and add comments.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – This is out the window of our 11th floor apartment, looking into our courtyard. Our building is doing “Local Law 10” work on the exterior. Local law 10, which requires periodic inspection and repairs of building facades, was enacted in 1980 after a piece of terra cotta masonry fell from the facade of an Upper West Side building and killed a passing college student.
1185 Park Avenue - Local Law 10 work
BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS – A break between meetings in my monthly trip to Boston. This image picks up a theme that I worked on in Ecuador.
Bus Station, Boston
Leica M9 and 28mm Summicron lens – two images stitched in Photoshop.
QUITO ECUADOR – We’re not supposed to be in Quito – we had a 8:30 AM flight to Miami. It was unfortunately delayed for 13 hours so we found ourselves back in Quito for the day. We explored on foot and stumbled onto the National Assembly building. I say stumbled on it because it doesn’t show on printed maps or Google maps. Odd. Perhaps this is a residue of the long-running (60 years) border dispute with Peru in which Peru’s president, Alberto Fujimori, threatened to bomb Quito – a dispute that was finally settled in 1999.
This is Harvey Stein photographing a police show of force in front of the National Assembly building. They were there in response to a demonstration by teachers seeking more funding for education (as far as I could tell with my pidgin Spanish). This is the front gate of the National Assembly. At the rear gate there was a group of film makers and students seeking federal funding for the Ecuadorian film industry. Demonstration - Ecuador National Assembly
ECUADOR – I’m back tired after a long day of shooting, with limited internet access. I thought that I should post a photo from today – I’ll update the post with further information when I have a better connection.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – This from the very early evening on Park Avenue. The sculpture is newly-installed. I don’t have any information on it but I’ll keep looking and revise this post accordingly. Of course the background is Mies van der Rohe’s Seagram Building, one of the icons that I stalk. The perspective is from the front door of the Racquet and Tennis Club.
Park Avenue Island
Shot with a Hasselblad H3D 39 and an HC 100 lens. Three exposures stitched. This produces a very large file.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Fabulous late afternoon light in midtown, with light reflected from buildings adding nuance. I’m shooting with my backup Leica, and M8.2, because I left my M9 at Gary and Diana’s the previous evening (symptomatic of wine consumption). I had a number of good images to choose among. This is Mies van der Rohe’s iconic Seagram building – part of my effort to do a new take on iconic structures. I have an ongoing project on the Seagram building and the plaza formed by it and the Racquet and Tennis Club (McKim Mead and White) and Lever House to the northwest (the “Hello Kitty’s” come from there). Image taken with my M8.2 and a 90mm lens – three images stitched in Photoshop.