
Wednesday March 28, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Where is Caravaggio? I’ve been asking myself this question recently. How will people judge us in 400 years (Caravaggio died in Porto Ercole in 1610)? How will they know who we are?

We got an insider’s tour of the Biennial at the Whitney Museum today. Many of the works are ephemeral – accurately reflecting the state of play in the art world today. None of this work will exist in 400 years, so how will people be able to judge us from our art? I’m an effing troglodyte to ask this question but so be it.

I had my Sony Nex-7 in hand with a 50mm Leica Summilux lens.

From a video by Werner Hertzog of works by Hercules Segers and of Ernst Reijseger playing the Cello.

Biennial I
Biennial I


Biennial III
Biennial III

On this day one year ago: weird angle on the New Preston cemetery.

New Preston
New Preston

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