WARREN CONNECTICUT – This blog is only incidentally a diary. I’m really trying to post an aesthetically interesting picture every day. I’ve spent a lot of time looking at images on the web, an experience that’s the source my no cute pets (especially cats) and no cute kids rules. There’s another type of image that is forbidden here. I call theses photos “Aunt Alice” shots: a group of people in a line with the sun (or flash) in their faces squinting into the camera. You know . . .”That’s Aunt Alice second from the left there at Billie’s birthday last year”. I’ve completed 1.308 days of this project without, as far as I can remember, posting a single Aunt Alice shot. It may just be that I don’t have any friends or relatives worth photographing.
Well today is going to be an exception. Here is my first Aunt Alice shot – some friends of long standing facing the sunset and squinting into the camera, A Leica S with at 70mm lens.
On this day one year ago: Warren.