Family and friends

Saturday August 3, 2013

WARREN CONNECTICUT – We had a full house in Connecticut this weekend. Maria is in Paris but Alexander and Laura, Francesca, and Will Hoar (Maria’s godson) and his fiancée, Olivia Wolf. What a riot. Shot with my baby Sony RX100 II all weekend. The Sony has a zoom lens but I only shoot it at the wide end which is 28mm equivalent. Thus the wide angle distortion.
Francesca and Basil
Francesca and Basil

On this day last year: Fishers Island.

Fishers Island
Fishers Island

3 replies on “Saturday August 3, 2013”

This is the worst picture ever taken of me in the history of the world. You should really specify that the wide angle distortion has made my thighs a much wider angle than they are!! Hahaha. Love you.

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