Family and friends Food and wine

Sunday October 16, 2011

NEW MILFORD CONNECTICUT – This is the two year anniversary of my photo-a-day effort. I haven’t missed a day! 730 days with at least one photo every day. This is just the beginning! I’ve included the first picture in this effort (from October 16, 2009), an image of the Jean Dubuffet statue in One Chase Manhattan Plaza. Today we had a picnic on our last outing of the year in our 60-year old wooden boat. Photographed with with my Leica M9 and 24mm Summilux lens.

I’ve also included below the third in my 24-hour “self” series. Taken on February 13, 1999 at with my Arca Swiss 8×10 view camera.

Boating on Candlewood Lake
Boating on Candlewood Lake
3:56 PM local time February 13, 1999
3:56 PM local time February 13, 1999

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