Landscape Transportation

Tuesday March 22, 2011

DELTA FLIGHT 2137 – I need to get my daily picture done even when I’m doing dumb or boring things like riding in an airplane. I caught sunrise out of my window – which partially redeemed a long flight in a window seat. Taken with my Panasonic GH2 and a 20mm pancake lens.
Delta Flight 2137
Delta Flight 2137

On this day one year ago: Zion Lutheran Church, New Orleans.

Zion Lutheran Church
Zion Lutheran Church

2 replies on “Tuesday March 22, 2011”

I’m assuming the presence of some irony here. It’s ok. I agree with the sentiment. And daily photoblogging requires a thick skin.

Actually, maybe not ironical. Someone rated this as a five. Hard for me to tell whether this is a good picture or a bad one. I took it in absolute desparation. It’s one about 20 tries on the same subject. Maybe it’s ok.

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