
Sunday January 13, 2013

WARREN CONNECTICUT – More moody. This is one of my favorites of the year so for. I was driving along a local road; spotted the image; stopped and shot it with what was at hand (my Leica Monochrom and 21mm Super Elmar lens). Perspective was corrected in Lightroom.
Even more fog
Even more fog

On this day last year: Friday the 13th.

Driving to Connecticut
Driving to Connecticut

22 replies on “Sunday January 13, 2013”

Hi Woody:

I got here through one of your posts on Getdpi (I’m tsjanik there). I’ve enjoyed your blog and images, great idea. I write however because the image of your GPS was startling to me. My first “serious ” girlfriend (1963) lived on Park Ave. at 92nd. Keep up the blog.



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