Garden Landscape

Friday May 24, 2013

WARREN CONNECTICUT – The conversations around here today were about people’s bad drive – the Saw Mill Parkway was closed because of flooding from torrential rains. Build an ark. Today is midway through what turned out to be three days of steady, heavy downpour. Demotivating to a guy who likes blue skies and puffy clouds. I’m going to push a bit on the technical side this weekend, so watch out for gimmicks. Today I tried to cut the gloom by using on-camera flash for landscape with my Leica M and Leica S, shooting for either very wide or very narrow depth of focus. Here are some example:
Out our front door
Out our front door
Foundation planting
Foundation planting

On this day last year: Why did I take this? Allow me a moment of public self-flagellation. Why on earth did I take this? I guess every year needs a worst picture but this looks like I was out to establish a low point.


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