Family and friends Landscape

Sunday June 3, 2012

WARREN CONNECTICUT – A perfect weekend. Here’s a view of the oak outside of our front door, and a snapshot of a picnic on our new old boat, and of the new old boat itself (a 1952 Chris Craft in amazingly good operating order – we got lucky on this one). I think of the second image as truly a moment to treasure. All taken with my Sony Nex-7.
Major Oak
Major Oak
Moment to Treasure
Moment to Treasure
New Old Boat
New Old Boat

I just received a camera that’s a bit of a curiosity. It’s called a Lytro. It incorporates highly innovative technology that lets you select a focus point after the image is taken, using Lytro’s proprietary software. This aspect of this device actually works and is amazing. But . . . the tiny viewing screen is useless in daylight (this is a point and guess camera) and the quality of the jpeg file output is poor. Here’s an example. Oh well . . .


On this day one year ago: Out my window.

Out my window
Out my window

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