
Thursday July 5, 2012

MILAN ITALY – My favorite way of exploring a city is to strike out on foot exploring without fixed itinerary. I ended up today in the Porto Nuova area, a large area of new construction. The architecture is pretty good. The planning includes a big underground parking lot (the automobile is the enemy of Milan) and a large pedestrian area (greatly needed in Milan). I like it. But I generally like construction sites. According to our dinner companions this project has been highly criticized by the Milanese. All images are with my Leica M9 and 24mm Summilux lens.
Porta Nuova I
Porta Nuova I
Porta Nuova II
Porta Nuova II
Porto Nuova III
Porto Nuova III
Milan's color
Milan’s color

You know the color that egg yolks turn where they meet the whites in hard boiled eggs? That’s the color of Milan. Here it is.

Milan color
Milan color

Final, the bridge that connects the two halves of our host’s apartment.


On this day one year ago: Leaving Capri.

A rare overcast day
A rare overcast day

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