
Monday April 1, 2013 (really this time)

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Yeah. OK. The last post was an April Fools prank. Lame? Whatever. I actually did spend some time on Randall’s Island with my new Leica M as well as my trusty Leica Monochrome, and three lenses. It was a poor day for landscape because there was a high, bright overcast sky that made the light flat and dull. I nonetheless had a sensational time. Here’s the 59th Street Bridge taken with the Leica M and a 21mm Super Elmar M Lens and converted to black and white in Lightroom, followed by some color from the same camera and lens.
59th Street Bridge
59th Street Bridge
Randall's Island
Randall’s Island

On this day last year: More Tennessee.


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