
Sunday February 16, 2014

WARREN CONNECTICUT – So I’ve got the same “the dog ate my homework” story as yesterday, but these images look pretty good so I probably won’t have to do further edits. There is, you might say, a fair amount of snow here. My friend, John Novogrod, and I snowshoed out of our back door for a few miles each way in 36 inches of fresh snow. No trails. No snowmobile tracks. A major workout. [I actually did have a further edit adding the first image below.]

Day 1,585 of one photograph a day for the rest of my life.

Drifts in Warren
Drifts in Warren
Our garden
Our garden

On this day four years ago: Madison Square at night.

Madison Square and the Shake Shack
Madison Square and the Shake Shack
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