Interior Landscape

Sunday October 20, 2019

MORFONTAINE FRANCE – We spent the weekend here with a friend of long standing, recovering from the flight from New York and gearing up for a week in Paris.

Day 3657 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

i photo every day
La Ramée
i photo every day
La Ramée
i photo every day
La Ramée

On this date nine years ago (day 370 of one phooto every day): Party. Originally posted for October 19, 2010, but the files’ EXIF data says October 20. I have other pictures on both dates, so my picture a day project is covered either way. The picture is from Antonio Monda’s party, which was more likely on a Saturday than a Sunday, so the EXIF data may be wrong.

1 photo every day

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