
Thursday February 6, 2020

MANHATTAN – More work with film today. I’ve purchased on ebay a Hasselblad XPan camera. This remarkable device, which dates I believe to the 1980s, shoots a panoramic 1:3 (roughly) aspect ratio on 35mm film. It was actually made by Fuji and branded Hasselblad outside of Japan, with excellent Carl Zeiss glass.

The XPan was the in the final generation of film cameras, so it’s actually highly automated and a pleasure to use. I’ve been sorting through film and developer choices and have been refining my technique for converting to digital, finally standardizing on a reasonable effective workflow. Developing and scanning adds about two hours to my daily photo workflow, so I only shoot film on those rare days when I’m comfortable that I have the time to process it.

Shooting film leads me back to the craft of photograph; I’m revelling in it.

Day 3766 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

1 photo every day
Central Park

1 photo every day

On this date nine years ago (day 479 of one photograph every day): Warren CT.

Day 479 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life
Luke Tanner’s orchard
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