
Tuesday November 21, 2017

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I bought a 1948 Kodak 35 camera on eBay last week It arrived yesterday so yesterday I cleaned a half century of grime off of it and shot a test roll out my window and around the house. Shutter speeds appear to be ok. The rangefinder is an unusable kludge. There’s no meter. This model was replaced in the Kodak line-up by the well-thought-of Retina line around 1950 or so.

I bought this camera because my mother had one and it was the camera that I used through high school and college. Here’s an image from 1965 – as you will see nothing is in focus, which is typical of this camera.

Canyonlands National Park Utah 1965

Finding this camera on eBay was a Rosebud moment for me. I won’t use it much but it’s nice to have around. Here’s what it looks like, shot with my iPhone. I’m busy with Thanksgiving prep today so Ive taken exactly one image. Most days I have six or eight ideas.

Day 2,959 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

On this day eight years ago (day 38): Washington CT meeting house

Day 395 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
Congregational Meeting House

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