Home Out my window

Monday July 9, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Still suffering from a bit of jet lag. Maria and I both woke up very early – in plenty of time to to watch the sunrise illuminate our living room. Maria picking up after an early morning of catching up on magazines and newspapers. Taken with my Fuji XPro 1.
Living room
Living room

As I write this my Milan film came back from being developed, and I’ve started to scan it. Here are some samples taken with my Leica M3 and Ilford XP5 film. What I notice most? The grain. I’ll be leaking these out into my daily posts as I scan them.

Duomo taken with 50mm Summilux, two frames stitched (yes, once you’ve scanned film you can stitch it!)

Milan Duomo
Milan Duomo


On this day last year: Home in Warren.

Warren Connecticut
Warren Connecticut

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