Day 5519 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Looking out my office window on this day exactly nine years ago. Day 2231 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
Day 5519 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
Looking out my office window on this day exactly nine years ago. Day 2231 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
Day 5518 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
Looking back exactly 21 years to on board an aircraft flying to the Antarctic. Six years before the start of my one photograph every project.
Day 5517 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
Looking back to winter sky on this day exactly five years ago. Day 3690 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
Day 5516 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
Hagia Sofia, Istanbul, on this day 14 years ago. Day 402 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
Day 5515 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
Looking back to Manhattan on this day exactly 9 years ago. Day 2227 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
Looking back to the Public Theater, NYC, on this day six years ago. Day 3322 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
Day 5513 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
Ping Pong on this day seven years ago. Day 2956 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.