MUSTIQUE, ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES – Day two in Mustique. A picnic and party at Macaroni Beach. We dodged rain showers all afternoon – the scene had a Last Year at Marienbad quality. Wikipedia entry for Last Year at MarienbadMacaroni Beach Mustique
Leica M9 with 50mm Summilux Asph. Two frames stitched.
MUSTIQUE, ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES – We traveled today to Mustique to attend the celebrations surrounding the wedding of friends. We arrived in time for dinner and a kick off party. We were last in Mustique in January of this year. My last trip to Mustique As I’ve noted before this is a private island in the Grenadines populated primarily by the rich and famous. Here’s a link to it’s Wikipedia entry: Mustique’s Wikipedia entry. Anyway, from evening one. Taken with a Nikon D700 with an 85mm f1.4 Nikkor.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – A very busy day as I prepare to go to Mustique tomorrow. I caught this view of Citicorp with my Leica on my way to a lunch date.
Citicorp Center
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Back from Connecticut and a rainy weekend. I had spent the weekend putting a relatively new (to me) camera through its paces, a Nikon D700. I plan on using the D700 primarily for available light photograph in poor light, so I’ve put it back in its bag to wait for the next party, wedding, dinner or whatever. For street use I’m back to my trusty Leica M9, which I prefer as long as there’s enough light to manually focus. This picks up on my “Look up – don’t worry of it makes you look like a tourist” theme.
Lexington Avenue and 93rd Street
WARREN, CONNECTICUT – We spent most of the day in Woodbury Connecticut fighting local traffic and running from one antique store to the next. Not a lot of terrific photo opportunities – the bright overcast produced flat, unattractive, light. We returned to Warren in the late afternoon and I captured this of a bush rose.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – I spent a few hours today getting to know some new equipment. Most of the images on this blog are taken with a Leica M9, which has the advantage of sensational image quality but is very much a traditional Leica. The manual rangefinder focus and limited high ISO capacity has presented issues for me in poor light like Martha McPhee’s book party. I also shoot Hasselblad digital medium format, but it’s unwieldy at parties and events. I’ve been experimenting with a Nikon D700 and fast prime lenses for parties and events – this is the new (to me) equipment that that I referred to above. This is a torture test for lens flare but I liked the image well enough to post it. An Andrew Moore photograph, a Venini ice cream glass, a Venetian candle stick form 1914 or so and a Deruta cachepot. Link to Andrew Moore Link to Venini Link to DerutaAndrew Moore and Murano Glass