
Friday, April 16, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – A rainy, miserable day.

Triborough Bridge

Garden Landscape Urban

Thursday, April 15, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Another sunny spring day.  It’s hard to convey (or for that matter to feel) any angst, even on tax day.  This is a postcard but it’s hard to resist taking images like this.   This is Park Avenue living up to its name.

Park Avenue

-Woody's Picks Landscape Religion Street Urban

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Congregation Shaaray Tefila (Hebrew for Gates of Prayer) at Second Avenue and 79th Street.   The current sanctuary of this congregation, which was organized in 1859, was dedicated in 1959.  It was converted from a Trans-Lux movie theater.  I’ve taken the liberty of posting the image twice – once in color and once in gray scale.
Congregation Shaaray Tefila (Hebrew for Gates of Prayer)

Congregation Shaaray Tefila

-Woody's Picks Icon Landscape Urban

Tuesday April 13, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Once again stalking the Chrysler Building.

Chrysler Building

-Woody's Picks Landscape Urban

Monday April 12, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Back in Manhattan with my Leica.  This is more like it.  This image was stitched from three  frames and the perspective corrected in Photoshop.  It is very much emblematic of the women in my life.

Large Woman - Lexington Avenue

Garden Landscape

Sunday April 11, 2010

WARREN CONNECTICUT – So now it’s really spring.  Not much going on here from a photographic standpoint.  Flowering trees seem to rob my work of its vitality.  I’ve rented a Nikon and a few lenses as an experiment.  I don’t care for the “jittery” quality of the out of focus portions of the image.


-Woody's Picks Landscape Religion Small town

Saturday April 10, 2010

CORNWALL BRIDGE, CONNECTICUT – St. Bridget Church. A Catholic church. Late 19th Century gothic revival, The is very little information online, except that this congregation recently celebrated its 125th anniversary.  I took this because of the unusual point of view – the image is taken from a highway bridge that runs above the church.  The view is generally obscured by trees except for one spot where this shot is possible.  Because of the limited choice in angles there was no way to eliminate the utility wires.  May reaction at the time was “The wires are there.  We’ll just make them part of the image.”  I’m afraid that without a pole or some other indication that they are intentional, they look like a mistake.

St. Bridget Church, Cornwall Bridge Connecticut

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