Interior Landscape Out my window Urban

Sunday October 18, 2009

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Sunday in the office getting ahead of an intense week.


Landscape Urban

Saturday October 17, 2009

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Walking down Lexington Avenue today. A sign of the times.

Skyline Restaurant
Skyline Restaurant

Culture Landscape Urban

Friday October 16, 2009

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – This is a daily photo blog. I’m posting one image each day from now until I run out of space on my server. The “each day” refers to when the photograph is taken. Uploads will happen whenever I have the time.

On October 16 I had a meeting in the Wall Street area. Afterwords I wandered in the rain over to One Chase Manhattan Plaza. Still an impressive urban space even though the bank is no longer an independent entity. There is a Jean Dubuffet sculpture called “Four Trees” – a half dozen tourists were hanging around it snapping with their iPhones.

Anyway, here’s my first post:

Jean DuBuffet "Four Trees" One Chase Manhattan Plaza

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