
Thursday November 29, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – As you have seen if you’ve been following these pages my 50mm Dual Range Summicron has become my best friend – it mates wonderfully with the MM. It’s the iconic Walter Mandler design that defined the Leica look for a generation. Surprisingly more than 50 years later it stands up to the demands of digital resolution. So I asked myself which 35mm lens is most like the 50mm DR Summicron? I spent a bit of time with Irwin Puts’ Leica Compendium, an essential tool for anyone who fancies him/herself a Leica nut. The long-running 35mm Summicron Asph has very similar MTF curves and narrative but based on personal experience supresses flair better than the DR. I’ve owned this lens but sold it when I got my first 35mm Lux. So . . . I found a nice looking sample on ebay and bought it. First sample below, which is a flair and contrast torture test.

On this day one year ago: Walk about.


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