
Monday December 17, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – On the subway platform with my Leica Monochrom and vintage 40mm Summicron-C lens.
Grumpy Santa
Grumpy Santa

Interesting. Here’s a compass rose on a Park Avenue island that I hadn’t noticed before. It makes the point the the Manhattan grid is tilted 29 degrees West, more or less.

Compass Rose
Compass Rose

On this day last year: Self in steam shower.

Steam Shower
Steam Shower

One reply on “Monday December 17, 2012”

Dear Woody

Compliments on masterful and engaging images of your world. Your blog is inspiring and so human. Thank you for sharing.

I have just recently received my own MM and begun exploring this beautiful camera. Your images were of the few that convinced me to order it.

Loving the experience of the MM after longing for such a digital BW for ages. I shoot also m9p/m9 and many film formats, but they are taking a break for a while.

Loving you blog. I specially loved your “cv”

A wonderful image rich and peaceful season’s greetings to you and your loved ones.


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