
Thursday November 3, 2011

NEW YORK NEW YORK – One way to kill the blahs (at least for me the notorious gear slut) is to try a different camera. My Ricoh GRD IV arrived today. The Ricoh GRD series has a cult following of street shooters. This is a tiny (shirt pocket sized) camera with a fixed 28mm f1.9 lens equivalent that produces very high quality images within its limitations (the small sensor limits you to roughly 8×10 inch prints, but they are beautiful). I started out by reading manual (God forbid!) and messing around with it around the house. It really does fit into my pocket so I took it to my daily workout on an elliptical machine and shot from the hip while walking the dog.
elliptical machine
elliptical machine
Walking the dog
Walking the dog

It’s me, it’s me oh Lord . . . . Here I m again, this time at 10:07 AM on February 14, 1999. I’ve clearly survived my all nighter shooting myself every hour and I’m refreshed from my shower.

10:07 AM February 14, 1999
10:07 AM February 14, 1999

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