Landscape Urban

Friday April 11, 2014

NEW YORK NEW YORK – An image on the way to our parking garage, and then another leaving town for Connecticut.

Day 1,638 of one photo every day for the rest of my life.

1185 Park
1185 Park
125th Street
125th Street

On this day two years ago (day 909): Basketball.



Monday January 10, 2011

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – I had breakfast at Kitchenette in Harlem this morning with Francesca, our daughter. It’s a sure sign that the transformation of Harlem is complete when a restaurant from Tribeca opens a branch there. I had a Rodchenko moment on the elevated subway platform on the way back downtown. I’ve also included an image from Kitchenette. Both taken with my Leica M9 and a 35mm Summilux II lens. In daylight I’m shooting with a .9 neutral density filter (three f-stops) with this lens so I can shoot f/1.4 with narrow depth of field. I’m not certain that this works on the faux Rodchenko – I like it better at the Kitchenette.
125th Street
125th Street

On this day one year ago: Old town hall, Morris Connecticut. Another favorite of mine from last year.

Morris CT Historical Society

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