Culture Landscape Urban

Tuesday August 4, 2015

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I took a long walk today on the Hudson River and through Central Park past the Museum of Natural History. I managed to make contact with my mojo from a photo standpoint, after a bit of a dry spell yesterday.

Day 2119 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


On this day five years ago (day 293): Porto Seguro Brazil. There’s nothing that I’m really happy with during the past five August 4s. Summer doldrums?

Porto Seguro Airport
Porto Seguro Airport

Landscape Street

Thursday October 2, 2014

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Still suffering. Got out to buy a take out lunch and got another bicycles image. Two days in a row for this kind of image. Scraping bottom.

Day 1,813 of one picture every day for the rest of my life.

More Bicycles
More Bicycles

On this day one year ago (day 1,448): Maria and Woody as Antony and Cleopatra (after Tiepolo).


Culture Interior

Thursday March 6, 2014

TURKS AND CAICOS – I got bored with the beach today so I found myself without a picture fairly late in the day. Got this with my iPhone in a friend’s apartment complex. I’m showing it in the original color and translated into black and white.

Day 1,603 of one photo a day for the rest of my life.


On this day two years ago (day 871): Look up – a nice example.

Look up!
Look up!

Landscape Urban

Thursday December 5, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Today is a tale of a 75 year old lens, a 1937 85mm f2.0 Carl Zeiss Jena Sonnar. After some significant effort I have finally gotten it to work on my Leica M bodies. Here it is with the statue of Sherman on the Plaza. I’m struggling slightly trying to master this lens (everything is backward on it) so I also shot fog our our window with a conventional Leica 21mm lens to make sure that I got a shot for the day.

On this day last year: 919 Third Avenue.

919 Third Avenue
919 Third Avenue

Abstract Culture

Wednesday September 25, 2013

NEW YOEK NEW YORK – We went up to Columbia this evening to see an exhibit of the work of Irini Gonou, a talented Greek artist who uses fabric and small objects and text to create pinakes (the singular is pinex- πίναξ), votive tablets used by the ancient Greeks. Very nice. I also noticed a view out a window that reminded me of one of her compositions. Both taken with my Leica Monochrom and Luxochron lens.
Irini Gonou
Irini Gonou

On this day last year: from the car.


Culture Icon

Thursday July 11, 2013

VENICE – Day two at the Biannale. I did’t even consider breakfast at the Gritti so I foraged for a cafe near the Arsinale for some coffee and a pastry. For the Biannale the Arsinale has been divided into large museum-like rooms. Really interesting. So I spent the morning and early afternoon at the Arsenale, walked to the rail station (all of the way across Venice but actually not very far with Google maps guiding me in a straight line through the maze of winding streets and canals) and took the train back to Milan in time for a dinner party given by some friends. Some obligatory shots of Venice and then the Arsenale, all with my Leica Monochrom and 50mm Asph. lens.

Tourists were lined up 10 deep to photograph the Bridge of Sighs every time I passed it. This goes in my icons collection.

The Doge's Palace and the Bridge of Sighs
The Doge’s Palace and the Bridge of Sighs
The Arsenale
The Arsenale
Obsessive Complusive
Obsessive Complusive
R Crumb
R Crumb
Junk collection
Junk collection
Really obsessive
Really obsessive

On this day last year: DC.

20120711-_DSF0436 Panorama

Landscape Urban

Tuesday April 30, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday dear me, Happy Birthday to me.

With that out of the way we can move on to pictures. I spent the day walking around New York in lovely spring light. What better birthday present could one ask for.

All images with my Leica Monochrom and 24mm Summilux lens. The first is from the “No Limits” installation by Alexandre Arrechea on the Park Avenue islands.

Wiggly building
Wiggly building
Central Park
Central Park
Light on the street
Light on the street

On this day last year: The Ranble in Central Park. Oddly, last year on my birthday I did roughly the same think that I did this year.

The Ramble Central Park
The Ramble Central Park

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