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Wednesday July 21, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Today was packed with activities. Meetings in the morning, a business lunch and cooking all afternoon for a dinner party at home. I was planning on getting my picture for the day at dinner, but realized after the last guest had left that I had gotten so involved in conversations that I hadn’t picked up a camera. 11:00 PM and no picture. I’ve vowed never to post a picture of our dog, so that’s out. I tried shooting out the window at the dark city scape without much success. Finally I shot a pair of images on our wall by Penny Umbrico – blown up images from a curtain catalogue. Here’s a link to Penny’s work: Penelope Umbrico
Curtain catalogues

Nikon D700 with 85mm f1.4 lens.


Monday July 19, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – I stopped by a framer, APF Master Framemakers to get an estimate on reframing and restoring a painting.

Leica M9 and 50mm Summilux lens.

Culture Street Urban

Tuesday April 20, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK –  Well here we are back at Tom Sach’s statue, Hello Kitty, in the sculpture garden at Lever House. This is a real urban oasis  As I’ve noted elsewhere Hello Kitty is a Japanese toy character owned by Sanrio.  Here’s a link: Sanrio

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Sunday March 28. 2010

WARREN, CONNECTICUT – Emmet Gowin, Nancy, Danville Virginia, 1969.  Nancy is now 47 or so – probably just starting to experience hot flashes.   The physics of how photos freeze time is well understood, but odd, nonetheless.

Emmet Gowin, Nancy, Granville Virginia, 1969

Culture Landscape Urban

Friday October 16, 2009

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – This is a daily photo blog. I’m posting one image each day from now until I run out of space on my server. The “each day” refers to when the photograph is taken. Uploads will happen whenever I have the time.

On October 16 I had a meeting in the Wall Street area. Afterwords I wandered in the rain over to One Chase Manhattan Plaza. Still an impressive urban space even though the bank is no longer an independent entity. There is a Jean Dubuffet sculpture called “Four Trees” – a half dozen tourists were hanging around it snapping with their iPhones.

Anyway, here’s my first post:

Jean DuBuffet "Four Trees" One Chase Manhattan Plaza

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