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Tuesday June 17, 2014

BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS – My annual out to Fenway Park with a group of clients and friends. The game vs. Minneapolis is irrelevant – this is an evening of real fun.

Day 1,705 of one photo every day for the rest of my life.

Red Sox
Red Sox

On this day three years ago (day 610): 9 Main. Converted from color.

9 Main New Preston
9 Main New Preston

Landscape Urban

Wednesday May 14, 2014

NEW YORK NEW YORK – This is one of those days that I worry about. Am I phoning it in? Lip syncing? Engaged in a major self-deception. Alexander and I went to a Mets game at Citi Field, but my camera felt like a millstone. Forced a few shots. Ugh.

Day 1,672 of one picture every day for the rest of my life.

Park Avenue
Park Avenue
More Park Avenue
More Park Avenue

On this day two years ago (day 942): On the fringe of DC. Here’s a part of DC that doesn’t have a name. I had second thoughts after posting about using this iPhone image in color. Here I’ve done a different crop and converted to grayscale.


Events and holidays Landscape

Tuesday September 17, 2013

BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS – I spend a lot of time in Boston. Both of today’s and last year’s images are in Boston, not a coincidence because I’m in Boston for client meetings every year in mid-September. Shot with my Sony RX100 II at a Red Sox game at Fenway. A demonstration of how ubiquitous security cameras are, and of the Sony’s ability to throw backgrounds out of focus (a rare talent for a small sensor camera).

On this day last year: Valves in Beantown.


Landscape Recreation Urban

Tuesday July 17, 2012

BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS – I had a couple of hours fee this morning in Boston, and actually did pretty well with my Fuji Xpro-1 and an 18mm lens (28mm equivalent). In the evening we were guests of a client at their box at Fenway Park – I caught the Green Monster with my iPhone – five images stitched in photoshop. The Red Sox lost to the White Sox (who in Chicago actually follow this team – I’ve never met a Chicagoan who isn’t a Cubs fan), but we had the pleasure of watch balls carom off of the wall.
Green Monster
Green Monster
Beantown Rocks
Beantown Rocks

On this day last year: Centerfold.


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